About Us

Mission & Objectives


To establish an appropriate forum for the professional development and welfare of the MBAs from University of Chittagong by ensuring interactions among themselves and with the society.


  1. To uphold professional interest and social welfare of its member and to take necessary measures to uphold thereof.
  2. To establish an interface between the business executives and the society and thereby, to enhance the communication between the both.
  3. To support the institutions engaged in the field of Business Education and Research by means of exchanging the real world experience for the exposure of business students.
  4. To regulate the professional activities and assist in maintaining high standards in general conduct of its members.
  5. To spell out professional code of ethics from time to time and to encourage every member to abide by the same in their professional conduct.
  6. To ensure regular communication among its members so as to facilitate exchange of knowledge and sharing views on the developments in the business theories and practices.
  7. To make an effort to increase employment of professional managers in business enterprises of the country.
  8. To foster coordination with similar Associations within and outside Bangladesh.
  9. To hold dialogue with various Governmental Agencies, Chambers of Commerce and Industries and Trade Associations in matters concerning business, commerce and industry
  10. To arrange seminars, symposia, workshops and such other events (e.g. publication of journal etc) so that it's member can update and refresh their knowledge and skills.
  11. To set up a library with a special emphasis on the evolution of business theories, practices and ethics.
  12. To encourage its member to discharge their social responsibilities for the greater interests of mass people of our country.
  13. To get involved in any matter those are incidental or conducive to the above objectives or any of them.